I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science, Aarhus University. My main research interests lie at the intersection of geography and political behavior. In my PhD, I investigated how people’s experiences with changes in local political priorities and local appeals affect their political behavior.

Currently, I am involved in two separate projects, each of which focuses on how citizens’ local environment affects their political behavior.

In the Vulnerable Neighborhood Survey, we survey residents of diverse and disadvantaged neighborhoods across the Nordics. While these neighborhoods are at the center of public debate, we know much less about the political attitudes of the residents themselves. To remedy this, we are conducting high-quality panel surveys in six neighborhoods in Denmark, Sweden, and Finland.

In the POLHUS project, we focus on the politics of the housing market. Here, we study the causes of nimbyism, the tendency for voters to become more opposed to development projects the closer the project is to their own home.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about my research, please feel free to contact me.